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Creating cloth that heals.

fiberhouse collective nica rabinowitz sheep


Partnering with farmers, artists, designers, fiber folks, and scientists we are studying soil to soil methods. Starting from the seed or raw material we explore from farm to fabric – then back to farm.



We facilitate hands-on workshops and learning experiences for people of all ages and backgrounds. We hold space for participants to explore their inherent creativity through handcrafted textiles.

fiberhouse collective residency


Integrate cloth that heals into your practice. Residents receive one-on-one sessions, work on a collaborative project, and facilitate a workshop at at the end of their immersive stay at the Fiberhouse.

More and more people understand farm to table when it comes to their food, we explore from farm to fabric.


Our current research blurs the lines between local food and fashion supply chains. Using edible mushrooms, we are decomposing textile waste. We extract pigment from plants and food waste. Engage with our ongoing research through the pages of our WORKBOOK SERIES. Our workbooks and curricula aim to be accessible, with clearly laid out instructions and hand drawn illustrations.

A shot by VALERY RIZZO, harvesting flax for linen at Maple Shade Farm in Katonah, NY.

A shot by VALERY RIZZO, harvesting flax for linen at Maple Shade Farm in Katonah, NY.

nica rabinowitz fiberhouse collective
natural dye wool fiberhouse collective nica rabinowitz

We facilitate hands-on learning experiences for you, your team, or your class that explore closed-loop textile creation.


Topics range from natural dyeing with flowers, food waste, and indigo – to felting, weaving, and mending. Interested in papermaking and book binding with foraged and reclaimed materials? We’ve got you covered. Schedule a PRIVATE SESSION or join us for a small group WORKSHOP in our studio or at one of our partner locations.


Stay with us for a week-long residency and explore the threads that connect us.


Through the Fiberhouse Residency we hold space for individuals interested in creating cloth that heals with us in our Asheville based live/work studio. Residents will have access to about 800 sq ft of studio space and a place to stay while they develop a collaborative project. This week-long stay culminates in a workshop to be hosted at the Fiberhouse that relates to each residents’ personal practice.